Welcome to GeekTech Office

Aplikasi untuk HRM

You are using Aksara !

You are viewing this page because you installing Aksara as "DEVELOPER MODE". There's no example content that been created. Just like popular PHP framework, you must build your own modules by referencing the function served by Aksara . You can still login and add your content to the built-in module (CMS a.k.a Content Management System) such Blogs, Pages, Galleries and many more.

This module is located in

You can override this module into
/var/www/html/office/modules/Home without removing the original one.

How could that be done? Because you are using Aksara !

Go Further


The Guidelines contains an introduction, tutorial, a number of "how to" guides, and then reference documentation for the components that make up the Aksara .
Check the Documentation !


You can open discussion related to the features, bugs or suggestions to the following community forum:





You also permitted to make an official forum discussion related to Aksara in your favourite social media.


You are allowed to contribute by writing documentation, creating modules and adding suitable libraries to make Aksara even better. These contributors are made in the form of Issues or Pull Request on the Aksara repository on GitHub .


As a single fighter researcher, I occasionally want to enjoy an outside world that I've never explored. Maybe with a little vacation, I can come up with another bright idea to apply to my research.

Like most single fighter researchers, if you feel helped by the research I did and want to provide moral or material support, don't hesitate to contact me from the Aksara development website . I would really appreciate whatever your support was, and of course it will give me more confidence.

Once again, thank you.
We are awesome!

Aby Dahana